A person can share both files and folders in the same way; these instructions will picture a shared folder. Often, in my classes, I will share a OneDrive folder with the entire class. Students need to find the shared folder before they can use it. However, once they find the folder, they can save any file they want to the folder and the entire class can access the file. Therefore, if the class is sharing a Microsoft Word document, the entire class can edit that document together.
Purpose: These instructions will help people find a shared file in their OneDrive.
Once a file or folder has been shared with you by the owner, you will receive an email. In this example, Karen Lawrence shares a folder called "shared_classfolder" with my email account.
- Open your Outlook email program or browser.
- Locate the respective email.
- Click on the file or folder to open it.
- Alternatively, click on the Open button.
- You can continue to open the folder from this email.
A second method to open a file or folder.
- Open OneDrive in your browser.
- Look for the Shared option in the left navigation bar. This link will open a list of all files and folders that are shared with you.
- Pictured in this example, the "shared_classfolder" folder and "presentation" PowerPoint slide deck are shared with me.
- Click on the "shared_classfolder" link.
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The interface for a file depends on the file. For instance, the "presentation.pptx" file in the picture above will open in Microsoft PowerPoint. Whereas, the following image shows the interface for a OneDrive folder.
- Click on the New menu to create a new document in the folder.
- Click on Word document to create a Microsoft Word document.
- Your computer will automatically enerate a Word document webpage and you will see the Microsoft Word interface.
All instructions and documentation written by:
Dr. Jason Lawrence, M.S., Ph.D.
Theory and Practice of Professional Communication