Monday, July 9, 2018

Opening Blackboard Discussion Word Processing Tools

The Blackboard LMS includes discussion forums. A student can write a post submission in Microsoft Word and then attach that Word document to a post. However, the teacher needs to download the document, open Microsoft Word, read the document in Word, and return to Blackboard to grade the post. A teacher must repeat that procedure every time a student posts a submission in an attachment.

Alternatively, students should write their submissions in the discussion forum interface, rather than attach a Word document. Blackboard does provided limited word processing to support formatting discussion posts. These instructions help students access the word processing tools that come in the Blackboard discussion forum interface.

1. Locate the discussion forum in Blackboard.
2. Click on the discussion forum link.
3. Click on Create Thread.
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The natural state of discussion forums only reveals a single line of a few word processing tools.

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Click the Show More button.
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The result is three rows of word processing tools. These tools will be sufficient for most discussion forum submissions.
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All instructions and documentation written by:

Dr. Jason Lawrence, M.S., Ph.D.

Theory and Practice of Professional Communication
Artificial Intelligence writers, Internal Documentation, and Emergent Texts
Visit my Official Blog or my Web Page.

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Find a School: Southern Connecticut State University

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